- 1.1 Explain concepts central to sociology and how sociological perspectives have developed.
- 1.2 Describe the history of sociology and the historical contributors to the field.
- 1.3 Differentiate between structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interaction-ism.
- 1.4 Describe the importance of sociological study and how sociology can be applied in the workplace.

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Introduction to Sociology
BNED Courseware for Introduction to Sociology adheres to the scope and sequence of a typical, one-semester introductory sociology course. It offers comprehensive coverage of core concepts, foundational scholars, and emerging theories and provides an overview of the basics of sociological research, culture, society and social interaction, social stratification, and social groups. In-class activities, practice quizzes, homework assignments and discussions help students apply their knowledge while current and relevant topics such as the use of technology and social media, racial tensions, global education, and health care legislation keep students engaged throughout the course.
Learning Objectives/
- 2.1 Explain methods and techniques used in sociological research.
- 2.2 Differentiate between the four methods of social investigation.
- 2.3 Describe the importance of ethical standards in the field of sociology.
- 3.1 Describe characteristics of culture.
- 3.2 Explain the significance of cultural norms, beliefs, symbols, and language.
- 3.3 Describe pop culture, subculture, and cultural change.
- 3.4 Differentiate between the major theoretical approaches to cultural interpretation.
- 4.1 Describe the different types of societies and the impact of technology on the development of society.
- 4.2 Identify theoretical perspectives on society.
- 4.3 Explain the sociological concept of reality as a social construct.
- 5.1 Describe psychological and sociological theories of self-development, including the process of moral development.
- 5.2 Explain why socialization is important for individuals and society.
- 5.3 Describe the roles of families, peer groups, schools, workplaces and government for socialization.
- 5.4 Describe how and when socialization occurs and recurs throughout life.
- 6.1 Identify the types and sub-types of societal groups.
- 6.2 Identify how group size, leadership styles, and conformity impacts
- group dynamics.
- 6.3 Describe different types and characteristics of formal organizations.
- 7.1 Describe deviant behavior types and methods of social control.
- 7.2 Explain theoretical perspectives on social deviance.
- 7.3 Describe how crimes are classified.
- 8.1 Discuss social issues related to technology.
- 8.2 Discuss social issues related to technology.
- 8.3 Explain the advantages and concerns of media and technology globalization.
- 8.4 Discuss how media and technology are analyzed through various sociological perspectives.
- 9.1 Identify stratification systems in American society.
- 9.2 Describe types of social mobility and class structure in the United States
- 9.3 Describe different sociological models for understanding global stratification.
- 9.4 Describe theoretical perspectives on social stratification.
- 10.1 Describe global stratification systems.
- 10.2 Describe consequences of global poverty.
- 10.3 Describe the modernization and dependency theory perspectives on global stratification.
- 11.1 Define race, ethnicity, minority, and majority groups.
- 11.2 Describe types and impact of discrimination, stereotypes, prejudices, and racism.
- 11.3 Describe how major sociological perspectives view race and ethnicity.
- 11.4 Describe different inter-group relations in terms of their relative levels of tolerance.
- 11.5 Compare and contrast the different experiences of various ethnic groups in the United States.
- 12.1 Differentiate between sex and gender.
- 12.2 Describe socialization influence, stratification, and sociological perspective relating to gender.
- 12.3 Discuss theoretical perspectives and social attitudes relating to sex and sexuality.
- 13.1 Identify senior age groups and the impact of the growing aging population.
- 13.2 Explain the process of aging and attitudes towards death.
- 13.3 Identify challenges facing the elderly.
- 13.4 Compare and contrast sociological theoretical perspectives on aging.
- 14.1 Define characteristics of marriage and family patterns in cultures across the world.
- 14.2 Identify the variations of family life and the impact of changing family structures on society.
- 14.3 Describe the social and interpersonal impact of divorce and family abuse.
- 15.1 Describe the sociological perspectives on religion.
- 15.2 Identify religious classifications and differences between religious organizations around the world.
- 15.3 Describe U.S. religious trends and how religions can be an agent for social change.
- 16.1 Describe the differences in educational resources around the world and the concept of universal access to education.
- 16.2 Describe theoretical perspectives on education.
- 16.3 Discuss historical and contemporary issues in education.
- 17.1 Describe types of power and authority.
- 17.2 Compare common forms of government.
- 17.3 Describe the voting process in the United States.
- 17.4 Describe theoretical perspectives on government and power.
- 18.1 Describe types of economic systems and their impact on society.
- 18.2 Define globalization and its economic impact on society.
- 18.3 Describe the 21st century job market and workforce in the U.S.
- 19.1 Differentiate between the cultural meaning of illness, the social construction of illness, and the social construction of medical knowledge.
- 19.2 Explain how social epidemiology impacts global health.
- 19.3 Describe health issues in the United States that are significantly impacted by social norms or social disparities.
- 19.4 Compare the health care system of the United States with that of other countries.
- 19.5 Describe theoretical perspectives on health and medicine.
- 20.1 Describe current population trends and demographic patterns.
- 20.2 Describe urbanization trends from various sociological perspectives.
- 20.3 Identify environmental challenges and associated risks in society.
- 21.1 Differentiate between types of crowds and their behavior.
- 21.2 Distinguish between different types of social movements.
- 21.3 Explain how modernization, technology, social institutions, population, and the environment can bring about social change.
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